Degrees and Certifications:
Special Education Resources
Accessible Chef
Free visual recipes and other resources (link).
ARC Resources
Great resources from the ARC - excellent ideas for transition-age students (link).
Autism Little Learners: COVID-19
Resources for families and educators (link).
Digital Promise Resources and Products list
This page contains a curated list of special education resources and edtech products to support learners with disabilities in a distance learning context (link).
iAccessibility (Low vision)
AccessNote is the official iOS notetaker from the American Foundation for the Blind (link).
Print your own sight words flash cards (link).
SoundingBoard (iOS only)
Transforms your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch into the latest in communication technology (link).
TapTapSee is a mobile camera application designed specifically for blind and visually impaired users (link).
Teaching Special Education Online during COVID-19
Online therapy solutions and webinars (link).
Temple Grandin’s Advice to Help Autistic Children During Coronavirus Quarantine
Advice to help children on the autism spectrum cope with our new, ever-changing daily routines (link).
Transitions TN
The online home for training and resources on preparing students with disabilities for life after high school. (link)
UNC Online Toolkit
Support individuals with autism during COVID-19 epidemic (link).
Video Read Alouds for Kids in American Sign Language (ASL)
The American Society for Deaf Children maintains a running list of signed stories in their ASL Stories Directory (link).
Visual Brailler (Low vision)
A braille writer for your iPad (and iPhone) (iOS only) (link).
Work Life Ready
This resource is great for Transitions students and includes PAES lab tasks (link).
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