Degrees and Certifications:

- Achieve3000
- Apple
- Apple Professional Learning supports teaching and learning for free!
- Apple Professional Learning supports teaching and learning for free!
- Breakout EDU
- Dreambox Learning
- White paper on nurturing the middle school mind in the math classroom.
- White paper on nurturing the middle school mind in the math classroom.
- Edmentum
- i-Ready
- Encourage your student's success with i-Ready's Family Center!
- iXL
- Offers a large number of teacher resources.
- Has a variety of back to school resources.
- Be sure to check out the Back-to-School Hub and the YouTube channel that features instructional videos for every middle school math skill.
- Kami
- Has launched a library of hundreds of free, ready-made teaching templates.
- Check out this video from Kami on Empowering Student Voice & Choice.
- Kami added a gratitude journal for kids to their resources.
- Check out their blog!
- Newsela and Nearpod
- Renaissance
- Back to school resources are available for all Renaissance products. This page provides product specific resources for you.
- Back to school resources are available for all Renaissance products. This page provides product specific resources for you.
- Rocketlit!
- Schoolzilla
- Starter is free if you use Renaissance STAR.
- Starter is free if you use Renaissance STAR.
- Seesaw
- offers a free on-demand playlist of videos to support teaching and learning.
- WeVideo
- Have you considered joining the WeVideo creator community?
- Wixie