By Month

Phone: 914-248-3830
Degrees and Certifications:
M.S. Education, Grades 5-12 NYS Teaching Certification, English Grades 5-12 NYS Students w. Disabilities Extension, Grades 5-12 B.A. English
Ms. Stephanie Buckhout
About Me:
I am proud to call PNW BOCES Tech Center home since February of 2006. I truly believe in what we do here, which is to teach the skills necessary for students to be prepared for college and/or career.
English classes at the Tech Center are integrated; meaning, lessons are directly related to the trade. Students also learn workplace skills: resume writing, business writing, and interview and presentation skills.
Click here for Integrated English classroom expectations.
My educational background: I have a Bachelors Degree in English from Fordham University and a Masters Degree in Education from Mercy College. In addition, I hold a NYS Professional Certification to teach English, grades 5 through 12, with an Extension for Students with Disabilities, grades 7 through 12.
Please contact me at any time with any questions or concerns. I always look forward to hearing from students and parents!