Class Expectations

  • Qualities that ALL students MUST strive for throughout the program:

    • Hardworking
    • Enthusiastic towards career goal and participates in all aspects of class
    • Demonstrates professional work behaviors, including dress code/use of appropriate language
    • Willing to take initiative
    • Works well with others/can also independently
    • Willing to learn and try new things
    • Loves animals!
    • Being trustworthy and compassionate
    • Have effective communication skills’
    • Positive work ethic
    • Adapting to new situations easily
    • Strives to improve their skills on a daily basis/always working on something never just sitting with idle hands
    • Well organized


    Class rules/policies:


    • Safety is the number one priority in this classroom and any other facility we may visit---student, teacher, staff and animal safety are of the utmost importance.


      • Always listen carefully to directions.
      • Always use the right tool or piece of equipment for the job you are doing.


    • CLASSROOM DOORS ARE TO REMAIN SHUT AT ALL TIMES. Please be alert and mindful to any animals that may be in the room.


      • Likewise , any cage door, kennel door, stall, fence gate etc, that you may encounter needs to be closed behind you at all times!
      • No running, horseplay of any kind will be permitted in this classroom.
      • Do not talk while someone else is talking--it is rude and also unsafe.
      • Always receive the okay or instructions when going to use any new piece of equipment or materials, or when approaching a new animal. NEVER JUST WALK UP TO A NEW ANIMAL YOU HAVE NEVER MET BEFORE.
      • CELL PHONE/HEADPHONE POLICY: Cells may be kept on vibrate and are NOT to be used in class unless otherwise stated by the teacher. Exceptions to this: an emergency situation, or you are expecting a very important call or text.  
      • Headphones are NOT to be used in class unless the okay is given by the teacher.
      • Wash your hands after handling any animal, cleaning or doing lab work.
      • Please store belongings off of the floor.
      • You may bring a drink to class. Food is not allowed during class time unless otherwise specified or you have a medical condition.
      • Attendance is crucial to obtaining the knowledge and skills of the class and also maintaining  your participation grade.
      • When you are absent you must bring in a note the next day you are here, in order to excuse your absence, if you do not you will not receive participation credit for the day.
      • If you're absent please check the “while you were out” box---it is your responsibility to make up any missed work.
      • Be on time to class-lateness counts against your participation grade.
      • Please keep the room, bathroom and animal locations neat and clean-push chairs in at the end of class, clean the tables when necessary, make sure all equipment is cleaned and stored properly.
      • Respect--please treat yourselves, each other, teachers, staff, guests and animals with respect.


    • We are all here for animals, if you do not treat them properly or follow directions when handling or being around any animals you will be asked to leave class.


      • You may not leave class during class time unless it is an emergency situation (we have our own bathroom). Time is crucial, we have a lot to cover in two hours.
      • Please keep all notes, handouts, tests, flashcards etc for next year and beyond!