• Sports Medicine II Syllabus

    William Brightman DC, MS, MEd

    Yorktown Health Academy/PNW BOCES

    Email: wbrightman@pnwboces.org


    Website: www.pnwboces.schoolwires.net 



    Course Objective: The course will be a continuation of  Sports Medicine I from last year. We will continue to study and evaluate several  of the topics from last year by accessing our prior knowledge and be able to critically assess the concepts presented. However, a fundamental difference between last year and this year is that the student will delve into all aspects of clinical health. The foundation will be anatomy and physiology through lecture and lab with emphasis on clinical features as they relate to the topic.   The goal is to prepare you, the student, for the rigors you will face in a college health science curriculum, and be able to navigate through it with command and understanding. The basis of this program will permit you to do that. This course will follow the spiral format introduced last year. Topics that were previously taught will be examined with more depth so that content mastery can occur. Moreover, new topics will be examined in lecture format as well as research and lab. The emphasis will be real world application. (note: there are 6 college credits attached to this year’s curriculum if you choose to enroll in the college portion. If you do not enroll, you will still be responsible for the information.)



    The expectations will revolve around daily attendance, effort (completion of assignments and study habits), participation, conduct, behavior, attitude, appreciation, and informal as well as formal assessments.    If your goal is to learn what you can, prepare for your future, and have fun along the way then you will adhere to a daily routine that permits you to meet your objectives. 


    Rules: A continuation of Sports Medicine I

    • Stay engaged with YOUR own learning and YOUR own PROGRESS 
    • Be fully AWARE of your environment (teachers, peers, and the physical environment)
    • Contribute in a way that makes you comfortable!
    • Kindness, consideration, and empathy go further than you think!
    • “Don’t talk when others’ are talking”
    • Cell Phones...Give them up! 
    • Have high expectations of YOURSELF and  APPRECIATION of  those invested in you! 
    • Have FUN!

    Grading Policy:


    ASSIGNMENTS/ATTENDANCE/PARTICIPATION: This part of the grade will be daily assignments and participation. If you complete them they will be marked off and counted for credit.  There will be daily assignments to complete. The assignments are relevant to the topic we are discussing. It is expected that these assignments can be done in the time allotment for class. This is a big part of the overall grade. 

    ASSESSMENTS: I am varying this portion of the course this year but will still assess you to make sure you have a baseline of understanding on the topic before we move forward. The assessments are not intended to overwhelm you but rather encourage and motivate you to learn and understand material. If you do not fare well on tests I will give you the opportunity to improve upon your grade by retaking quiz or test. 


    NOTE: If you complete ALL the assignments and assessments you will automatically receive a 90 in the class. (even if you do not fare well on the exams you will retake to bring grade up). The remaining 10% is the subjective part of the class. 

    I will add point value to your overall grade if I see professionalism as you enter and leave the class on a daily basis. I will look for strong character traits (generosity, sincerity, devotion, kindness, respect, grit, optimism, and social intelligence. These traits along with  other soft skills that are critical to have in order to succeed in life. They will also be incorporated into this class. 



    Due to changes this year with COVID the format will look different but the concepts will remain the same. We will do hands on learning when we can, lecture and discuss, and independently research and follow through on relevant topics in sports medicine and health science. The topics will be interesting and we will not spend copious time on one area but rather provide you with an overview of all sports medicine, health science, and anatomy topics. 


    Sports Medicine II Topics (The following is a list of “topics” - we will spend 1-2 days on a topic or 1-2 weeks. 



    • Skeletal Anatomy
    • Kinesiology & Biomechanics
    • Muscle Anatomy & Physiology
    • Orthopedic Assessments in Sports Medicine
    • The Heart & Cardiovascular System
    • The Respiratory System & the Influence of Aerobic Exercise on it
    • The Endocrine System & how Strength & Conditioning influences Hormones
    • The Nervous System
    • Anatomy of a Concussion
    • Radiology
    • Bioenergetics
    • Body Composition and the Health benefits and risks around it
    • Weight Management and how Diet & Exercise influence it
    • Physical Fitness & Health
    • Pre Exercise Screening and Test considerations
    • Assessment of Physical Fitness
    • Exercise Programming Considerations
    • Flexibility Assessment & Programming
    • Programming for Cardiovascular Fitness
    • Anaerobic Training
    • Resistive Training Techniques
    • Functional Training
    • Creating and Exercise Program for Athlete or Client
    • Working with Special Populations in Exercise
    • Ethics and Professional Behavior in Health & Fitness
    • Sport Psychology
    • Environment & The Athlete
    • Reproductive Health
    • The Female Athlete
    • The Para Athlete and Para Olympic Athlete
    • The Pediatric and Geriactric Athlete
    • Dermatological Conditions in Sports
    • Pain Management
    • Rehabilitation from Sports Injuries
    • Emergency Procedures on the Sideline